Greetings Scott County Researchers! |
My name is Karen De Groote
and I am your County Coordinator for Scott County. My
ancestors were in Scott County in the 1860s in Sand Creek
Township so I have a personal interest in seeing this web site
Thanks are made to
outgoing coordinator Claudia Schuman for all her years of
tenure. Scott County will be undergoing a facelift so
check back often. We do need contributions of any type of
data you might have access to including photos and family
records. We want to make Scott County a great site
to assist people in their genealogical research.
The purpose of this site is to
provide a collection of genealogical information
and resources for Scott County. Our goal is to
include the transcription of many public records,
such as vital records, census, marriage, and
cemetery records and to provide a forum for
freely sharing that information.
Check out the various ways that you too can help genealogists
research Scott County!
County was formed in 1853 from Dakota County and
is one of the
counties that make up the Twin Cities
Metro Area. It contains within its borders the
cities of: Belle Plaine, New Market, Savage,
Elko, New Prague, Shakopee, Jordan, Prior Lake.
It also contains within its borders the minor
civil divisions (MCDs) of: Belle Plaine, Jackson,
Sand Creek, Blakely, Louisville, Savage, Cedar
Lake, New Market, Shakopee, Credit River, Prior
Lake, Spring Lake, Helena, Saint Lawrence. For more information be
sure to visit the Scott County Historical Society
webpages at
http://scottcountyhistory.org/ |
Map of MN.
Established March 5,
1853, this county was named in honor of Gen.
Winfield Scott, who was commander in chief of the
U.S. Army from 1841 to 1861. He was born near
Petersburg, Va., June 13, 1786, and died at West
Point, N.Y., May 29, 1866; entered the army as a
captain in 1808; served with distinction in the
War of 1812 and was made a brigadier general and
brevet major general in 1814; was chief commander
in the Mexican War, 1847; and was an unsuccessful
Whig candidate for president in 1852. General
Scott visited Fort St. Anthony in the spring of
1824 for inspection of its construction, then
completed, and on his recommendation its name was
changed to Fort Snelling by a general order of
the war department, January 7, 1825.